TriNav Marine Brokerage – International Shipbrokers, Boat Brokers, Marine Brokers, Canada

Marine Services International

Marine Services International

Marine Services International

Marine Services International Ltd. (MSI) is a consulting firm based in Newfoundland, Canada that offers a variety of services to the local and international marine industry.

Incorporated in 2000, MSI has built a loyal customer base that includes the fishing industry, Coast Guard, commercial shipping companies, offshore oil and gas, seismic, tug and barge companies and shipbuilders.

MSI offers services that include project management, design, drafting, structural engineering, marine engineering, marine surveying and 3D production lofting.

Our team of professionals includes Marine Engineers, Naval Architects, Marine System Designers, Professional Engineers and Technical Support personnel. Our range of experience includes new vessel design, stability analysis, refit support management, detailed drafting, mobilization support, marine surveying and structural analysis. MSI personnel have experience with both large and small vessels engaged in fishing, freighting, offshore supply, passenger and towing trades. MSI is a member of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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If you have any questions about our available vessels, quotas, enterprises, or other services, contact our team today and they’ll be happy to assist you.

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