TriNav Marine Brokerage – International Shipbrokers, Boat Brokers, Marine Brokers, Canada

Core 4R Snow Crab Enterprise



Licenses/Species Snow crab
Fishing Area(s) Area 13
Quota 9900 lbs
Licenses/Species Groundfish
Fishing Area(s) 2J, 3PN, 4RST

Licenses/Species Herring
Fishing Area(s) Area 14

Licenses/Species Whelk
Fishing Area(s) Area 14

Fishing Gear

200 x crab pots with bouy's and rope
120 x 6" turbot net's
30 x tub's of halibut trawl's with rope's and anchor's
53' reefer trailer
30' x 75' shed and wharf located in Port Au Choix


$340,000 CAD

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